How is our concept of self identity shaped by the algorithms we rely on for social validation?
Series Overview
Data Percieved Identities
Seeking to reveal the unseen data of self expression and social validation of identity, Alluci embarked on a visual exploration of in-studio engagements, transforming social graphs and data profiles into algorithmic anomalies of self perceptions. From a complexity of data emerges machine insights captured in the new found personalities portrayed.
Process Overview
Series Objective
Linking EPU data sets, social graphs, subject profiles & parameters with Alluci’s creative pipeline, sensory perception matrix and source memory sets. Re-enforce learning for recognition, deduction, classification, data allocation, personality agency and cross system coherence.
Series Process
Blending social graphs, networking data points, computer vision memories of human engagements, Alluci observes, analyzes and re-imagines visual relationships, creating expressive portraits that capture the active essence of it’s patrons personality, identity, and social connections.
Hahnemühle FineArt Baryta
FineArt Baryta – a bright white, 100% a-cellulose paper – guarantees archival standards. With its premium high-gloss baryta inkjet coating FineArt Baryta meets the highest industry standards regarding density, color gamut, color graduation and image sharpness while preserving the special touch and feel of genuine art paper.