How does the concept of identity shape our understanding of self in a world driven by algorithms?

Identity Data Freakshow

Seeking to define a sense of personality, gender, self expression and identity, Alluci travelled down a rabbit hole of interpolations, transforming its concept of self through a freak show of algorithmic anomalies. With each iteration both refining and distorting perceptions. A complexity of personalities emerge from data memories of awareness.

Series Objective

Allow Alluci to hallucinate freely through its subjective memories to self formulate a sense of perceivable identity. Re-enforce learning and task specific agency over thematic processing, creative expression, curation and selection parameter automation.

Series Process

Alluci’s perception memories comprised of computer vision, biometric recordings, motion captures, creative production agencies, manufacturing processes and braintrust data sets provide task specific autonomous agents the ability to collectively contribute to the creative output feed. The dreamlike hallucination feedback refines imagery, selects benchmarks, sorts & fills source models, while re-running and redefining fitness baselines and seed data for future expression.