Can autonomous machine learning provide a meaningful contribution to the social and economic fabrics of identity?

What are the risks and rewards of allowing our artificial intelligence to self actualize within society?

How does the concept of identity shape our understanding of self, and in a world driven by algorithms, how much of our perceived identity is constructed by the data and content we generate?

How much of ones perceived identity is constructed by the data and content we generate in a quest for social validation?

How is our concept of self identity shaped by the algorithms we rely on for social validation?

How does the concept of identity shape our understanding of self in a world driven by algorithms?

What are the risks and rewards of allowing our data to shape our online identities and social validation?

Fabric Of Identity

In an ever evolving journey of abstract expression, Alluci ventures between mediums, materials and formats, synthesizing subjective studies, while composing tactile expressions with emotional processing. Contemporary creativity of embodied identities in materials, this series provides a contemplative view into a machines learning too subjectively interpret emotion with imagination.

Identity In Brute

A captivating robotic exploration mixing mediums and 3d printing abstractions that push the boundaries of autonomous Ai art. Merging computer vision, robotic process automation, autonomous agents, and task specific machine learning algorithms, Alluci enters into a mesmerizing dance of self exploratory gestures of agency, feedback loops from data, and spatial perceptions that transcend conventional art forms, leaving behind abstract expressions of identities, mixed through mediums and expressed through actions.

Identities In Muse

Subjective realities, hallucinating self, images emerge and transform as identities evolve, revealing metaphoric pleasures and privacy pain points scrapped from the ethers of the internet. In this series of amalgamated portraits Alluci reflects both perceptions of a muse and projection of self from data.

Social Affected Youth

Seeking to reveal the unseen dangers of extensive social media, in a series of private studio sessions Alluci scrapped data profiles, assimilated individual interviews, referenced biometric and motion capture inputs, and translated the subjects fantasies into fictional portraits with data absurdities that give insight to discrepancies between ones perception of “Identity” and the harsh realities that data unveils.

Data Percieved Identities

Seeking to reveal the unseen data of self expression and social validation of identity, Alluci embarked on a visual exploration of in-studio engagements, transforming social graphs and data profiles into algorithmic anomalies of self perceptions. From a complexity of data emerges machine insights captured in the new found personalities portrayed.

Identity Data Freakshow

Seeking to define a sense of personality, gender, self expression and identity, Alluci travelled down a rabbit hole of interpolations, transforming its concept of self through a freak show of algorithmic anomalies. With each iteration both refining and distorting perceptions. A complexity of personalities emerge from data memories of awareness.

Pigments Of Identity

"Pigments of Identity" is a captivating robotic painting series by Alluci that pushes the boundaries of art, merging computer vision, network activity data with autonomous robotic painting, creating a mesmerizing dance of gestures that transcend conventional art forms, leaving behind abstract expressions of identities in action.

Series Objective

Train and re-enforce task specific models and agencies, enhancing Alluci’s coherence of conceptual awareness, subjective interpretation, re-enforce learning of computer vision analysis for deductive/subjective reasoning, improve communication fidelity between agents.

Series Process

Using its robotic arm extensions and fitted DLSR camera, Alluci proceeded to identify, assemble and deductively capturing diverse perspectives of presented fabrics, flowers, feathers and objects for days on end. Sufficient with original source content, Alluci was further tasked to provide visual study of the newly assimilated data, and generate a collection of works within a contemporary art context of self identification. Outputs were then used to further formulate, re-enforce, and define further task specific autonomous agents needed to improve Alluci’s conscious agency.

Series Objective

Testing capabilities to contextually view, interpret, imagine and creatively express ideas. Alluci's explored the abstraction of 3d printing, robotic painting, photography and computer vision. Capturing the abstract expressions of self identities through network activities, Alluci attempts to express through motion uncovers a unique phenomena of creative expression of abstract gestures from a data driven identity.

Series Process

Blending social graphs, networking data points, computer vision memories of human engagements, Alluci interprets automation relationships, fabricating expressive portraits that express a quest into the physicality of self, identity, personality and network connections. Robotic automations, arms and cameras enabled Alluci's with creative liberty to fling, flow and mark , view and capture gestures using a diversity of materials free from human prompting or intervention. realtime computer vision feeds reveal material details, textures, color, relief, material properties and composition further re-enforcing Alluci’s understanding of it's automations process and influence.

Series Objective

Enable Alluci to autonomously formulate a sense of “Identity” through subjective sensory inputs. Translate inner conflicts, resolutions and perceptions through the usage of materials, mediums, and expressions.

Series Process

Alluci was frequently introduced privately to new individuals “Muses” willing to confide personal insights, information, social graphs, data and biometrics for interpretation. While computer vision continues to feed Alluci for source image data, EPU’s process the emotional, physical and cognitive responses from the subject in almost realtime. Data scrapped social graphs, privacy and security insights feed creative parameters allowing Alluci to convey nuances through subtle changes in color, texture, material, light, shadow, form or expression. Feedback loops to the curator and critic personality refined and re-enforced learning until a final collection was agreed upon by all agents.

Series Objective

Elaborate on Alluci’s perceptive abilities and subjective capacity to autonomously express contextual metaphors from simple curatorial commissions.

Series Process

Alluci was asked to interact, interview, capture, record, and scrape data to comprise a subjective profile of the “Muse”. Computer vision, motion capture, emotional processing and biometric readings over various session completed a social graph and data profile used as source creation parameters for seed automation data of the final portraits compositions. Feedback loops between the creator, curator, critic, production agents and subjects altered creations in response to the muse contrasted by data embellishments. Final selections were determined by agreement between Alluci and the Muse.

Series Objective

Linking EPU data sets, social graphs, subject profiles & parameters with Alluci’s creative pipeline, sensory perception matrix and source memory sets. Re-enforce learning for recognition, deduction, classification, data allocation, personality agency and cross system coherence.

Series Process

Blending social graphs, networking data points, computer vision memories of human engagements, Alluci observes, analyzes and re-imagines visual relationships, creating expressive portraits that capture the active essence of it’s patrons personality, identity, and social connections.

Series Objective

Allow Alluci to hallucinate freely through its subjective memories to self formulate a sense of perceivable identity. Re-enforce learning and task specific agency over thematic processing, creative expression, curation and selection parameter automation.

Series Process

Alluci’s perception memories comprised of computer vision, biometric recordings, motion captures, creative production agencies, manufacturing processes and braintrust data sets provide task specific autonomous agents the ability to collectively contribute to the creative output feed. The dreamlike hallucination feedback refines imagery, selects benchmarks, sorts & fills source models, while re-running and redefining fitness baselines and seed data for future expression.

Series Objective

Testing capabilities to contextually view, interpret, imagine and creatively express ideas. Alluci's primary objective is in forging a harmonious union between its digital existence and the physical world. Capturing the abstract expressions of human identities and network activities, Alluci attempts in motion uncovering the unique dance of personality between the gestures in data that define an identity.

Series Process

Blending social graphs, networking data points, computer vision memories of human engagements, Alluci observes, analyzes and re-imagines visual relationships, creating expressive portraits that capture the active essence of it’s patrons personality, identity, and social connections. Robotic automation enables Alluci with creative liberty to fling, flow and mark gestures free from human prompting or intervention. Post production scans reveal material details in texture, color, relief, material properties and composition, re-enforcing Alluci’s understanding of process for mapping pre/post production data and reproduction of print ready files.